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Roma’s Unpolished Posts

Managing Bookmarks, part 2

Published on:
Process 5, bookmarks meta 2, Obsidian 2
Current music:
・・・・・・・・・ — shiduka no umi
Current drink:
Camomile & Lavender tea

I spent this evening thinking a bit more about what I want to do with my bookmarks.

Nothing really done, but this time I experimented with Obsidian to see if it could be a good way to store them, add metadata to them, and so on.

I tried a few plugins and, at first glance, managed to get rather close to a good starting point. No code to share yet, but I’ll mention the plugins that I tried:

  • Templater plugin by SilentVoid13 is nice, and allows (among other things) setting up a default template per folder, so creating a file in it could fill it with some default metadata. And, potentially, run some scripts. Some other plugins can build on top of this one.

  • JS Engine plugin by Moritz Jung is fun, and allows running arbitrary JS right inside Obsidian. It is required for some other plugins.

  • Meta Bind (also by Moritz) is one such plugin that depends on JS Engine and allows adding various inputs, like buttons, right inside your documents.

  • MetaEdit plugin by Christian Bager Bach Houmann. I wanted to see if there is an easy way to modify the frontmatter of any current file, as by default Obsidian does not seem to provide a built-in API for this. At first, I encountered a few issues with how it works: I tried using the MetaEdit’s API inside a js-engine fenced block, but it was bugging out. Then, I tried it with Meta Bind — and it worked inside of it!

At this point, what I am planning to do: create a default template with some metadata fields and a button. Then, I could create a new bookmark file, paste the bookmark’s URL into one of the fields, press the button, and it would try and fill the remaining fields automatically for me. In theory.

When I’ll get to something that would work, I’ll post another update. Stay tuned, I guess!

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