Roma’s Unpolished Posts

Observation: Range Input’s Thumb and Emerging CSS

Published on:
Range Input, Scroll-Driven Animations, Anchor Positioning, CSS 45, Observation 4
Current drink:
Yunnan tea

A Long Prelude

Today would be a quick “observation”, but a longer prelude. I did stumble upon what I’ll elaborate on today back in June, see this CodePen, but for several reasons I did not share or write about this. These reasons:

  1. Fun fact: I never did really work with range inputs, so before I could do more experiments, I would need to learn much more about them.
  2. I have no idea about their cross-browser compatibility, and the way they and their styles are specified. What are the differences? How likely my experiment could apply to other browsers when they’d get the features I’m using?
  3. I did not have good use cases which to present. Usually, my experiments are very technical: I either achieve some effect, or not. And later, when I’m writing an article, I struggle the most with the actual examples. Like, I have all the use cases somewhere in my head, but it is always hard for me to actually access them. And I’m terrible at design — it takes me countless iterations to come up with something nice.

These reasons, and other things my perfectionism used to contribute, were why I did an experiment, found something for myself, and moved on.

Now that I started trying to write more regularly, write about less polished stuff, and not pursue a perfection (at least not always), I want to continue posting just these small experiments and observations.

I can see how just sharing a technique behind what I’m doing can help eventually.

Yes, perfectionism tells me: “But hey, you could do so much more! Open a CSSWG issue! Read the specs! Experiment on this for another 20 hours!”

I need to learn not to do the maximum, but just share the minimum. The best part: I already have so many drafts of things that I want to do in a more perfect way, unless I’ll clone myself I won’t ever get to do all of that. So, a compromise of just throwing a seed of an observation when I know I cannot grow it fully is something I’m trying right now.

To the Point

If you did not yet look at the CodePen I mentioned before, now is the time! Ah, and look at it in Chrome, ideally in Chrome Canary with the Experimental Web Platform feature flag on.

This CodePen shows two things:

  1. We can define a view-timeline on a ::-webkit-slider-thumb, and then use this timeline to get the slider’s position!
  2. We can define an anchor-name on the same pseudo-element, and target it with anchor positioning!

Ah, and as a bonus, I did also use another method to pass the hovered state from the thumb to the label outside. We cannot use :has() with pseudo-elements, so this is the only way I know we could do something like that.

Can this unlock numerous possibilities for styling the range input? Allowing us to use it to control things outside without JS? Maybe!

But, as I mentioned in the prelude, — I’m not optimistic that this technique would work in other browsers when scroll-driven animations and anchor positioning would get implemented in them. But maybe?

An Occasion to share

If I first experimented with this in June, is there a reason I’m sharing this particular example now? Yes.

This morning I saw this CodePen by Adam Argyle, shared on Mastodon by Chris Coyier.

In this CodePen, Adam demonstrates how we can create an image comparison widget using a range input and just a tiny snippet of JavaScript to apply the current input’s value as a CSS variable, which is then used in all calculations.

Me, remembering my summer experiment, instantly went and forked this CodePen (view in Chrome), replacing this JS with this method using scroll-driven animations to pass the current range input’s state.

It is nice to have a good use case to apply a technique!

Future Observation

In the Mastodon thread about this, Bramus did also share his solution for this, also using scroll-driven animations, but in a different way. I did share another observation later, but I’ll save it for a future blog post. After all, I’m trying to post less polished things, right? And having an already decided topic for a future post is nice as well!

Please share your thoughts about this on Mastodon!