Some Plans
- Published on:
- Categories:
- NaBloPoMo 3, Personal 18
- Current music:
- This is The Kit — Inside Outside
- Current drink:
- Peppermint Tea
Guess what? It is November. Last year, I went all out and published one post a day for the full month.
On one hand, that was hard, and took its toll on me. On the other, I did publish a bunch of stuff that would usually stay in the drafts.
I don’t know if I will manage to do the same this month — but I want to try again.
One thing I would like to try to do: make this a bit more of a blog. A few months ago, I started writing down weekly notes at my work, and found it to be a good way to track what I did achieve.
And, as I look back, many of last November’s posts were also just that: documenting my bug reports, WPT tests, CSSWG issues.
I need to find a good workflow to document and post stuff like that, and maybe a bit more of personal things, like posting photos from the walks, sharing my favorite music, my setup, or just anything else.
Next Week
Next week I will attend two things:
beyond tellerrand conference in Berlin.
IndieWebCamp after it.
I already have many plans about what I want to do with my website and this blog, and having both of these events to think more about it feels convenient.
While I could only visit the first day of IndieWebCamp, I’ll try to hack on my website during my travel back for the second day.
As it is often the case for me with periodic things: I tend to always drop them. Well, as I have written in the latest bookmarks post, the backlog of the bookmarks I gathered is unmanageable!
I’ll try to come up with a better workflow for it, one that would actually work for me.
With me giving up on posting the bookmarks weekly, and the need to write up one post a day in November, I could always share one or two bookmarks as the fallback.
Is the backlog of my experiments and article drafts is as big as for my bookmarks? Well, maybe not that big, but I have many things brewing in my lab.
I even managed to finally publish “Possible Future CSS: Tree-Counting Functions and Random Values” — an article about some of my experiments that I started last year.
There is more in the works. Nothing is fast when each time I touch some code, a browser bug crawls out of it and crashes the party. Or the browser. Had two of these last month alone!
More Plans
Or, actually, fewer? After starting writing this post, I have so many things I want to share. But: I will have the whole month for it. Nice.