Roma’s Unpolished Posts

Weekly Bookmarks 2

Published on:
CSS 42, bookmarks 16
Current music:
Haisuinonasa — Dynamics of the Subway
Current drink:
Yunnan tea

Hey hey! Oh wow, I did not forget to publish this weekly post. Though, I wish I had prepared some of the links in advance as a way to speed up the process.

CSS Techniques and News

Non-CSS Web Platform Stuff

Not Exactly New, but Noteworthy

My Bug Reports

Upcoming Events

Usually, I’m staying at home, slowly working on my CSS articles and experiments, but this time I’ve decided to travel a bit. I did plan to attend Fronteers Conference this year, but it was cancelled — so I decided to visit the border: none instead.

And that’s it! I’ll be rather busy in the second half of the next week, so I hope I won’t miss posting the third post with the bookmarks. We’ll see, I guess!

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