Roma’s Unpolished Posts

Weekly Bookmarks 3: IndieWebCamp Edition

Published on:
IndieWebCamp 2, IndieWeb 4, bookmarks 17
Current drink:
Some plain water in the trains; Yunnan at home
Current location:
Started: Nuremberg → Paris; then finished at Home


As I shared in my previous post about the things I did during IndieWebCamp, I did not have enough time to compile a list of bookmarks for the last week. I have some, but I was mostly paying attention to what was happening at the conference and the IndieWeb event. I’ll include these links in the next weekly bookmarks.

However, IndieWebCamp, especially the sessions during the first day, was full of information, which I tried to distill into a list of links that I found interesting.

Building Block Icons

I participated in a session about having an imagery for the indie web “building blocks, initiated by Paul Robert Lloyd, in which we discussed if there should be a cohesive design language for various IndieWeb thingies.

  • A cohesive and unified identity for IndieWeb protocols by Paul — the original post that did initiate the discussion, where he proposes a starting point for a cohesive design language for the IndieWeb.
    • The poster’s guide to the internet of the future by David Pierce — an article mentioned in the post.
    • He also links to a lot of pages for various IndieWeb and related technologies, visit his post to get them! (Seriously, there are many interesting links in his post, I am myself planning to read a lot of them later.) I think both this post and the Verge article could be considered a good introduction to the IndieWeb.
  • Types of Posts — a section of the “posts” page of the IndieWeb wiki that tries to gather and categorize different types of content that might be present on personal websites.
  • Building block icons — a wiki page created by Paul after the session.

Overall, I really like the Paul’s proposal, especially how the icons for specific microformats look.

I participated in a session about the “link rot, initiated by Jeremy Keith, in which we did discuss various ways to check, fix or work around the broken links that could exist in various personal blog archives.

I’m gathering the links to things mentioned in the session and outside of it into one list, providing some of my commentary:

Overall, this is a very interesting and multi-faceted topic. I’ve started thinking about how I would want to implement something that helps with this on my site, and also about whether this is something that could be facilitated by the web browsers and/or browser extensions. It should be easy enough to do the “did we land on 404? Let’s look in the Internet Archive” as a feature, though this won’t work for the “zombies”.

How to stop rewriting your site and write more

I participated in a session about actually writing in your blogs, initiated by Sara Jakša, where we did discuss what is stopping us from writing in our blogs, be it perfectionism or something else.

  • After session Additional Notes by Sara — after the session, she did write down the summary and some ideas of what we were talking during the session, sharing some nice links as well.
  • Extended mind thesis shared in these notes is something I’ve already been doing for years, though not publicly: putting every idea into some notes, removing them from my head, and “freeing” some space for new ideas.
  • digital garden article stub over at IndieWeb wiki — a concept that I encounter more and more, though maybe not the one I’ll use for publishing my thoughts publicly. I’m using Obsidian for my notes now, and it is less like a garden and more like overgrown ruins. However, I think this might be a neat concept for gathering information about some topic, learning and so on.
  • There were some other thoughts and links in these additional notes; I highly recommend reading them, especially if you struggle with finding what to write in your blog or with the writing process in general.

If I took one thing from this session, it was that I needed to worry less about how things would be received and try to fight my perfectionism, at least in some ways.

Other Sessions

I was also present at two other sessions: Accessible web by Calum Ryan and POSSE How To & Best Practices + Fediverse by Tantek Çelik, but I don’t think I want to add any links here, as I’m less familiar with these particular topics, and would need to read much more on them in order to share something reasonable.

The “Accessible web” session was more of a free-form discussion without any specific topic; the POSSE is a concept that I’m not entirely sold on yet, though I really liked how Bridgy Fed sounds like — a way to easily connect Mastodon with your IndieWeb-powered website.

I’ll keep an eye on the various IndieWeb concepts in the future, so it is likely my other weekly bookmarks will get more links from this area as well.

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