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Roma’s Unpolished Posts


My main site is reserved for polished articles about CSS, and this is my secondary blog, where I publish less polished things. Sometimes not even about CSS!

Here is what I have here for now:



  1. Intent to Experiment for Longer


  1. CSS Mixins Everywhere
  2. Photo Walk in December



  1. My 2024 in CSS
  2. Splash Colour Mixin


  1. Embedding Pixelfed, part 3
  2. CSS Math Eval, now Better and Weirder
  3. Observation: CSS Math Eval
  4. Short Lines, Bad Breaks, and CSS
  5. Every :has() in my Blog’s CSS
  6. Observation: Sticky Anchor Navigation
  7. Embedding Pixelfed, part 2
  8. Idea: Self-Boosting Image Mastodon Bot
  9. Managing Bookmarks, part 2
  10. Recent CSS Bookmarks 21: Anchor Positioning
  11. Transitions of Inherited Properties
  12. Recent CSS Bookmarks 20: Just Three Links
  13. Writing About Experiments
  14. Repetition and Attribution
  15. The Problem of Embeddable Interactions
  16. I Added Lightning CSS to This Blog
  17. A good way to hide non-defined custom elements
  18. Observation: Inherited Visibility Transition
  19. I Will Not Delete My Twitter Account
  20. Managing Bookmarks, part 1
  21. Updated Scroll Markers in the Table of Contents
  22. My Mastodon Starter Pack
  23. Moving to Firefox: the First Anniversary
  24. Beyond Tellerrand: Quick Notes on Physicality
  25. Recent CSS Bookmarks 19: Container Queries
  26. Observation: Forced Wrapping
  27. Recent CSS Bookmarks 18: 12 Days of Web CFP, CSS Resets, and Selectors
  28. Embedding Pixelfed, part 1
  29. Current Music
  30. Some Plans


  1. Captured Custom Properties


  1. Querying the Color Scheme
  2. Recent CSS Bookmarks 17: Layouts


  1. Custom Properties and CSS-Wide Keywords


  1. Recent CSS Bookmarks 16


  1. Recent CSS Bookmarks 15


  1. Two Invitations
  2. Weekly Bookmarks 14


  1. Weekly Bookmarks 13
  2. Weekly Bookmarks 12
  3. Weekly Bookmarks 11: The Backlog


  1. Notes on Using Logical Properties and Values
  2. Cap-Height Vertical Align



  1. My year in CSS
  2. A Christmas Tree Selector: Prototyping the :nth-sibling() with CSS Nesting
  3. Weekly Bookmarks 10
  4. CSS Scope Issues
  5. Weekly Bookmarks 9: CSS (as Usual)
  6. My LiveJournal Anniversary
  7. Weekly Bookmarks 8: Mostly CSS
  8. Weekly Bookmarks 7: CSS and HTML


  1. One Month of Writing
  2. Observation: color-mix and currentColor
  3. My VS Code Monaspace Font Setup
  4. Scope Selector Nuance
  5. Weekly Bookmarks 6: CSS, Typography and Design
  6. Space Variable Placeholders
  7. Extra Nesting Specificity
  8. Calculated Fractions (Report the Bugs!)
  9. Space Toggles for Scoping
  10. Posting on a Schedule
  11. Fixing the Custom Ident Docs
  12. Weekly Bookmarks 5: CSS and Web Components
  13. Dashed Idents for Everything
  14. Observation: Snappy Scroll-Start
  15. Interop Priority Game
  16. Observation: Range Input’s Thumb and Emerging CSS
  17. Astro MDX Components
  18. Observation: Clamp to Infinity
  19. Weekly Bookmarks 4: CSS Edition
  20. Calculation Indentation
  21. Never Use “Scroll” Value for Overflow
  22. Layer Overrides Update
  23. Moving to Firefox
  24. Unlayered Styles Issue
  25. My First “Fediversary
  26. Slightly Updated Blog Design
  27. Personal Site Anniversary & History
  28. My First Web Platform Tests
  29. Shadow DOM on Regular Elements
  30. Weekly Bookmarks 3: IndieWebCamp Edition


  1. IndieWebCamp Updates
  2. Weekly Bookmarks 2
  3. Weekly Bookmarks 1


  1. Scroll-Driven Animations in Stable Chrome
  2. Fixing Obsidian’s Markdown Display with CSS
  3. Apps with Presence on Mastodon
  4. Not an Ideal Start

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